As a physical therapist, all too often I have new patients
come in who tell me that they’ve tried physical therapy in the past for six,
seven, eight plus months, with basically nothing to show for it. The two
questions I always ask these patients are: “What did they do with you?” and
“Did you think that what they were doing was helping?” While I don’t expect
patients to remember every detail of their PT regimens, they should be able to
say with confidence whether or not they felt that PT helped them. For those of
you reading this who can align yourselves with the plights of those
poorly-served PT patients, I’d like to offer you these few pointers to help
ensure that your next PT encounter doesn’t leave you feeling like all you’ve
managed to accomplish is throwing a few dollars at that high insurance
copay or deductible.
Your physical therapist should be:
1. Present – Your physical therapist should BE PRESENT. If
your therapist is spending 5 minutes with you then passing you on to an aide or
trainer never to be seen again, it’s time to look for a new physical therapist.
2. Hands-on – While physical therapy does emphasize exercise
and therapeutic activities, the manual techniques employed by your therapist
can greatly help accelerate your healing process or correct dysfunction that
could lead to injury down the road. If the physical therapy that you’re used to
centers around ultrasound, heat packs, and stim, (electrical stimulation) with
the therapist basically spending three minutes giving you a bad massage, it’s
time to look for a new physical therapist.
3. Approachable and Informative – Too scared to ask your
therapist why they have given you a specific exercise or why they are using a
specific manual technique? You shouldn’t be. While the busy schedule of a
physical therapist does not afford them the opportunity to spend hours upon
hours with each patient, a therapist should be both willing and able to answer
any relevant questions asked (and not asked) by the patient, within the
allotted time.
4. Creative – Don’t expect a poetry reading when you go to
physical therapy, however, your physical therapist should be able to provide
you some variety with your exercises and treatments. If you’re doing the same
exact thing at every session, for weeks on end, with no progression and no
improvement in your symptoms, it’s time to look for a new physical therapist.
5. Competent – It goes without saying that your therapist
should know what they’re doing, however, it is important that you feel
confident in their competency. I’m not advocating that you base your physical
therapist selection on their pedigree or how many letters they have after their
name, but the manner in which they explain things to you, the exercises they
prescribe, and the manual techniques they perform should all instill confidence
in you that they can help you achieve your goals and improve your symptoms.
Here at Duffy & Bracken each of the physical therapists
on staff bring with them all of these characteristics, and many more. However,
my intent is not to tout how much better our practice is than others out there.
Let this blog simply serve as an informative piece for anyone who has been to
PT, is currently attending PT, or is looking for a physical therapist and wants
to ensure the quality of services being offered.
It’s your body. It’s your
health. Choose wisely!

C. Shante Cofield, PT, DPT, CSCS
Duffy & Bracken Physical Therapy and Wellness