And more: From a recent NY Times article detailing research on athletes competing in the Senior Games I read, “…the results were impressive. While the athletes’ average chronological age was 68, their average fitness age was 43, a remarkable 25 years less…” One of the principal researchers comments, “A majority of the athletes didn’t begin serious training until quite late in life, middle aged or older…so you can start anytime. It’s never too late.”
I don’t think I’m going to start training for the Senior Olympics (I would qualify based on age) but I’m very aware that the more I move, the better I feel and the more I’m inclined to move some more. And I’ve learned that a couple of the most pervasive causes of the stiffness and tightness we associate with aging are gravity and lack of movement. We can’t do much about gravity but we can learn how to move more easily and efficiently in it’s field. A central aspect to my practice of KMI structural integration (a first cousin to rolfing) is to help my clients find and release those stuck spots (that we might not even be conscious of) that we move around, not through. Perhaps we’re compensating for an old injury or poor postural habits or whatever accumulation of traumas that bind tissues together in search of stability. It’s a natural bandaging process that in the short run serves to relieve pain but in the longer run can fix the body in less than healthy movement patterns that may ultimately cycle into chronic pain.
The KMI series is designed to systematically make conscious those impediments to movement and unwind deep holding patterns, always inviting length and breadth and balance. Most clients will experience a sense of “feeling taller” (sometimes they actually are!) and moving more easily. Normally experienced over 12 sessions, it is “project” oriented with each session focusing on a specific goal. Such as mobilizing a stuck ribcage that restricts free breathing patterns, realigning the feet and pelvis for better support, decreasing tension in the neck and back---all in service to gaining a better relationship to gravity and posture.
So if you’re experiencing stiffness or tightness and you like the idea of “a full body tune up” give me a call at 203-809-0036 to schedule a free consultation. I am in the Duffy and Bracken office on Fridays and occasional Thursday afternoons.

RD Hunting, CMT, CST