Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Six Reasons to See a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist Postpartum

Having a baby is a joyful and fulfilling experience but also can take a heavy toll on your body. Growing and carrying a baby for nine months followed by delivery might cause new aches and pains that a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist can help you address. 
Here are six reasons you may need to see a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist postpartum

1.      Musculoskeletal pain
-          Growing and carrying a baby for 9 months really can take a toll on our musculoskeletal system. Some common postpartum issues include: tight hip flexors, poorly activating abdominal muscles, low back pain and instability through the pelvis.

2.      Weak Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM)
-          Pelvic floor weakness can lead to symptoms such as poor or weak orgasm, urine leakage and/or a feeling of “falling out” vaginally.

3.      Prolapse
-          “falling down” or “downward displacement” of the bladder, uterus and/or rectum
-          This can happen in varying degrees and symptoms can include “falling out” feeling vaginally or even vaginal tissue extending externally.

4.      Diastasis Recti
-          The separation of rectus abdominis muscle which can happen during pregnancy.
-          You might notice you have this if you attempt to do a crunch and see a half football shaped bulge vertically on your stomach.

5.      Incontinence
-          Urine leakage, a common compliant post-partum, is another reason to see us!
-          Prolapse, weak PFM and poor neuromuscular control of PFM can all cause this annoying symptom.

6.      Scar sensitivity
-          A sensitive scar can be the cause of painful intercourse, can limit your ability to perform a kegel and/or can cause tension in pelvic floor muscles leaving you with pain.

We, at Duffy &Bracken PT, have the skill set and tools to help you feel like yourself again. We use biofeedback equipment to measure pelvic floor muscle strength, manual skills to treat pain and our skill and experience to teach and encourage you along the way. Let’s not forget what our bodies went through over the last nine months! We need to take care of ourselves and be proactive about our health and wellness; after all we are now responsible for a little one. See you soon!

Candice Amat, PT, DPT

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